Truck Driving Training That Meets Your Needs Here in San Leandro

Atkar's Truck Driving School heps assist new prospective students from ​San Leandro with Commercial Driver's License (CDL) training

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Why Atkar Truck Driving School is the Best Driving School in San Leandro

Our instructors are trained to provide safe driving practices. From support on receiving your permit, on road training, and job placement, we can help you get into a career in as little as 4 weeks.

Experienced Teachers

Atkar instructors have certification and many years of experience that make them more than qualified to conduct courses.

All Aspects of Safe Driving is Covered

Our truck or bus driving training courses covers all the crucial aspects of road safety provided for in the road code.
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Learn to drive safely

We're an Experienced Driving School in San Leandro

Our training enables our students to develop skills needed to safely drive. We are licensed by the Department of Motor Vehicles and the State of California as a professional driving school.

Ready to start your training?
Call us today!

We Give Best Guidence To Each Student, That’s Why We Produce Confident & Safe Drivers

We Give Best Guidance to Each Student, That's Why We Produce Confident & Safe Drivers Here At San Leandro